Friday, May 18, 2007

The Second Coming

Oh, yes I'm back. No doubt you've heard about how the industry intends to sue downloaders of music for illegal use. Individuals, not bootleggers, are coughing up thousands to settle out of court. Ok, I said; I'm done.

But, ya know, it makes me mad. I like my blog. And I don't know for sure why you would tune in otherwise, but there is no music on this site. I just don't need the hassle.

I guess you could say I'm perturbed- like I said, I'm not a bootlegger selling my wares out on the street corner, so it doesn't faze me. But to think back on my history with the music industry- I've been a good, a pretty regular customer for as long as I can remember. Bought albums, and bought them again. Bought 'em to give away as gifts. Replaced worn out copies. Collected specialty items. In other words, my eggs for this industry were pretty golden.
So for me to hear that after years of loyalty and the understanding that whatever media we purchased (and upgraded to over the years) has been overpriced, with the profits no doubt going straight up someone's nose- oh, did I touch your demon? My bad.) that downolading one song, any song, whether current or out of date, on the charts or hopelessly off the radar, would be considered a form of stealing and therefore subject to the full extent of the law, well, you could say I have lost all interest in subsidizing what I consider to be "intellectual property welfare". And I guess that's just a symptom of my middle years but, hey, it was due.

No problem. Middle-age tells you something else;

there are more important things out there.